8 Things To Help You Get Over A Breakup

Going through a breakup can be really difficult especially if you have been in a relationship with the person for a long period of time.
You might find yourself questioning a lot of things about yourself and perhaps where you went wrong. Even if the relationship ended amicably you may still feel in some kind of turmoil.

Unfortunately, there are no easy solutions when it comes to getting over a breakup no matter how gently it happened.

Here are 8 things you can do to help you get over a breakup in the best way possible.


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1. Cut Contact

Cutting off all communication with your ex might sound a little harsh but it really is one of the best things that you can do immediately to help yourself heal.

Talking to your ex all the time when you have already called it quits will do nothing to help you. It will in fact keep you stuck in that same place because of the confusion it will bring. Some small part of you will still be hoping for reconciliation. That will do nothing for your self-esteem.

Also, remember that just because you are cutting off contact does not mean that you are doing it in a spiteful way.

2. Keep Busy

Keeping busy during this time of a breakup is very important.  Try to keep active and busy so that you don’t spend your time thinking about your ex too much. Doing that will only cause you more heartbreak.

Occupying your mind will help you to get over your ex much more quickly and will stop you from moments of sadness.  Before you know it you will have less and less moments thinking about your ex-partner.


3. Find Something Fun To Do (A New Interest)

How to get over a break up

Pick up a new hobby or find something fun to do. A new hobby will keep your mind occupied and give you that little bit of enjoyment that you might be missing right now.

Being busy is one of the best things you can do to help speed up getting over a breakup especially if you used to spend a lot of time with your ex.  Those areas of being with that person need to be filled so that you don’t suffer the void.


4. Find Comfort In Your Friends

Definity use this time to spend more time with your friends.  They will comfort you, make you laugh, distract you and understand you.  If you have very close friendships you should be able to be your whole self around them.  This will give you the space that you need to recover and fully be yourself.

Lean on your friends as much as you want to, they are your chosen friends for a reason!


5. Rediscover Yourself

Rediscovery of self is extremely important during this time of a breakup.  You would have likely invested so much into your ex that you may not even recognise the different person that you have become along the way.

Spend some time with yourself, and rediscover who you are.

Remember what your passions were before you met this person and go back to them if that made you happy.

If you were a foodie, visit new restaurants, if you enjoyed playing an instrument, go back to it.  If you enjoyed shopping do that.  

You’ll be surprised how much of yourself you may have lost or forgotten about.  This is going to be especially true if you and your ex were together for a very long time.

Do your makeup, invest in yourself, dress up even when you are not going anywhere.

There are no rules to this so just be happy with yourself and do what works for you.


6. Embrace Your Emotions

Tips to get over a break up


One thing that you will definitely experience during your breakup is a range of emotions.  You may have times when you will feel perfectly happy and normal.  You may have times when you feel completely lost and alone.  All of these emotions are valid.

Every day could be something different.  You can even find that some things will even trigger you when you least expect it.

It’s important to embrace those emotions for what they are and understand that you are on a journey of healing.

You don’t need to break down in the middle of the street but when you get home you should definitely acknowledge the feelings that you had.

Suppressing your emotions can only take you so far. At some point and time, those feelings will come back and it may happen at a bad time.

Allow yourself to feel the emotion and then move on from it.  Don’t sit in your feelings for too long because life really does go on and at some point, you will be in a much better place.


7. Allow Yourself The Gift of Time

They say time is a wonderful healer and indeed it is.  It may not seem like it right now but over time things will get easier.  Your heart will heal, you will smile more and you will be a stronger person because of this experience.

Don’t be in too much of a rush to move on from this experience because there will ultimately things that you will learn from the experience that you can’t learn from a book. 

You will get to know yourself on a whole new level.

Time will heal and change you for the better if you let it.


8. Listen to Music

Getting over a break up


Music is one of those things that can have a real impact on you.  There is so much power in music that it can completely change your mood. Try it.  If you want to be happy and positive, just listen to music that inspires that and before you know it you will be walking out of the door in a much better mood than when you entered.

Music has a way of healing the soul.  When you are getting dressed in the morning, washing up, anything where you have space for music play it and see.

If you can also wrtie music or play music use it as a form of therapy to get over your breakup.


Final Thoughts on Getting Over A Breakup

Getting over a breakup is hard because your heart is involved but it is certainly not impossible.  You may feel sad for today but over time and with the right mindset and support system you will be just fine.

Remember you are not the first person to go through a breakup and you won’t be the last. All those people that have been through it are perfectly fine and probably stronger for it.  You will be just fine too!

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